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Setting Up Service Shops

What is a Service Shop?

In DJUBO, a Service Shop refers to any POS , such as a restaurant, coffee shop, spa, gymnasium, club, laundry, salon, souvenir shop, business center, concierge desk, and banquets, in your hotel for which the charges may be required to be added to a guest folio.

By setting up service shops for your hotel, your front desk can quickly add these charges to guest folios, thereby allowing:

  1. Speedier & hassle-free check-out for guests.
  2. Decrease in chances of lost POS payments at check-out.
  3. To maintain meticulous records of guest stay and expenses.
  4. Avoidance of errors in final billing amount by automating calculation of total billing amount from pre-defined rates & taxes.

How to Set-up a Service Shop?

  • From the DJUBO booking chart, choose the “Manage this Property” view.
  • Click on the “Service Shops” tab to begin adding or editing your service shops.

Step 1: Basic Configuration

Click “Add” to create a new service shop.


  1. Name – This is the name of the service shop as it will appear. For example, you may have two restaurants and may want to name them accordingly instead for easier identification.
  2.  Sort Name – Code for easier identification.
  3. Status – Check this box, if the service shop is active. Uncheck if the service shop is closed or unavailable.
  4. Bill Sequence Prefix – Choose a prefix as you would want them to appear in individual service shop bills and guest invoice.
  5. Type – Define the type of service shop it is.
  6. Description – Add a small description if you want, however, it is optional.

Click on “Next” to set-up Display Categories for this Service Shop.

Step 2: Display Categories

Display categories are broad product/service categories under which individual products/services can be clubbed. These act as markers to differentiate between different sets of offerings at the service shops.


Use Case Examples

• In a restaurant, your display categories might comprise of appetizers, sandwiches, pastas, deserts, alcoholic beverages, non-alcoholic beverages, etc.

• For a laundry service shop, the display categories might be dry cleaning, wash, wash & iron, delicates, etc.

• For a spa service shop it maybe, Ayurveda Treatments, Acupuncture Treatments, etc. and so on.


To add new display categories, click on the “Add” button, enter the category name in the pop-up window and click “Save”. You display category will now appear in the list.

Once you are done setting up your display categories, click “Next” to set up pricing plans and add individual items to the service shop.

Step 3: Pricing Plans

Pricing plans allow you to set-up different pricing & taxes for items in your service shops for different scenarios. You can set-up the pricing plans to be activated automatically for different time durations.

Use Case Examples

• You may want to offer different pricing for car rental & airport pickups & drops during the high and low seasons.

• You may want to create multiple promotional pricing for the restaurant.

• Some states levy different taxes during high & low seasons, which may require you to create separate pricing plans running during different times of the year.

• You may want to offer the same items at different pricing to guests staying in different room categories.


To create pricing plans Click on “Add”, and the following pop-up will open.

price plan

  1. Name – Add a name which conveniently identifies the pricing plan.
  2. Date Range – If you want to set up multiple rate plans, enter the duration during which you want the price plan to be active. If you want to keep only a single price plan, leave this field as is and don’t worry about the default dates being displayed.
  3. Status – Check the box to make active. If you have multiple price plans, and forget to check the box the price plan won’t come into action during that time.



You cannot have multiple price plans active for the same duration. If you add rate plans for the same duration, the last rate plan added will become the default price plan.


Step 4: Adding Items to Service Shops

Once you have created the rate plan/s, you are ready to add items to your service shops.


As the price plans get added to the list, you will notice the “Items” column in each price plan. Clicking on the “Items” button against a price plan will allow you add and edit items in that price plan.

Adding Items

Click on the “Add” button to start adding items, by filling in the details in the pop-over window:


  1. Name – Enter the item name.
  2. Price – Enter the gross price of the product. Taxes will be set-up separately and will be auto-calculated during invoicing.
  3. Display Category – Choose the display category to which the item belongs.
  4. Tax Category – Choose the tax category applicable for that item. To learn more about setting up tax categories click here.
  5. Status – Check the box to make the item active. If kept unchecked the item will not display during searches in vouchers.

Click “Save” to add the item. That’s it!

Bulk Upload Items

Generally, you will have a lot of items to add to your service shops. To make things easier, you can create items quickly in an excel sheet and then upload it to populate all the items in a price plan of your service shop.


  • To do that, click on the “Download Template” button. An excel file will download to your computer.
  • When you open the excel file, you will notice two columns – Name, to which you will add the item name, and Price, to which you will add the gross price of the item.
  • Save the excel file on your computer.
  • Go back to the price plan and click on the “Upload Excel” button, a document selection window will pop-up. Navigate to where you had saved the above excel file, select it and then click on “Open”.

You will still need to add display and tax category.

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  • To do that, select all the items or the items with common display or tax categories.
  • Go to the display category box in any tab and double click to edit. You will notice the option of a drop-down menu. Click again and choose the appropriate value for the selected items.
  • Proceed to do the same with the tax category.
  • Check the “Status” column for each item to make active.
  • And don’t forget to click “Save” to make the changes permanent.

Bulk Changes in Items

If you need to make changes in bulk to your items, instead of editing each entry you can export the entire list, by clicking on the “Export Excel” button, making the changes in Excel and then uploading the updated file by clicking on the “Import Excel” button.

The display and tax categories can then be edited as mentioned above.

Related Tutorials:

Adding Service Shop Charges to Vouchers / Guest Folio >

Setting Up Tax Categories for Service Shops >






Updated on May 12, 2016

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