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7 Benefits of Using Cloud-based Hotel Management Software - Djubo HMS
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Home / hotel reservation system / 7 benefits of using cloud based hotel management software

7 benefits of using cloud based hotel management software

Benifit of Cloud Hotel Management Software
Benefits of Cloud HMS Software

Take this scenario: A hotelier is on the move and consistently traveling between countries to check on his hotels; while at the same time he needs to keep abreast of all the activities happening at each of his hotels. But he is finding the process cumbersome because all his hotels use desktop-based hotel management software solutions where the data is stored locally on the hotel server. Result? He has to rely on his staff to send him the daily workings and statistics – for each hotel.

Wouldn’t it be easier to have a cloud-based system or a PMP for Hotels? Across the globe, cloud-based Property Management Platforms are getting popular because they have multiple benefits for hotel owners to manage day-to-day activities efficiently. In a constantly competitive hospitality market, one has to be techno-savvy and use the Best Property Management System to stay ahead of the competition. If you do need more reasons to switch from a desktop-based Hotel Management software platform to a cloud-based HMS platform, then read on to make the best decision.

  1. Manage your hotel on the go with 24*7 access

While traditional systems come with limited access, cloud-based hotel management software lets you manage and perform operational tasks even while you are at a distance. Reservations, check-ins, reports generation, check-outs, etc. are tasks that normally require one to be present at the hotel. However, using a cloud-based system gives you access anytime, anywhere and ensures efficient management of all your activities. And what’s more is that the DJUBO Property Management Platform, let’s you not only manage one hotel but enables you to manage chain property bookings too.

  1. Reduced ownership costs

A hotel management software system that’s locally based in your hotel is definitely bound to give you added expenses – extra manpower, additional space for the server, expensive software updates, license fees, and manpower training costs. Each of these is bound to your expense. A fully-fledged hotel automation software based on the cloud will greatly bring down your operational costs because – it comes with a one-time set-up fee, zero dedicated IT infrastructure, easier staff training, and no dedicated manpower required.

  1. Increased security

Using a next-generation PMS ensures that your customers’ data is safe and secure; after all, there are hundreds of people trusting you not just for service but also for data security. Frequent security checks and upgrades take place and do not require any form of manual intervention. In fact, even if your hardware crashes, your data is still secure.

  1. Centralized reservation system

It’s time to move away from the more outdated booking systems. If you haven’t upgraded yet then it’s time to make the switch to a centralized reservation desk – DJUBO PMP (Property Management Platforms). A cloud-based system allows you to keep real-time tabs on all sold and unsold inventory irrespective of the source of the booking.

  1. Updates and customizations

While using cloud-based software, updates become an integral part of running the software. Each update happens regularly to improve the performance of your cloud-based hotel management system.

Another great benefit is that the cloud-based PMS can easily integrate with other software required to manage your hotel. While our PMS is a comprehensive tool that is capable of managing all your hotel requirements, it does effectively integrate with third-party systems to streamline all your hotel operations worldwide.

  1. Increased productivity

Time is definitely money. And the longer it takes to train your staff and install desktop-based software, the more impact it has on your bottom line. DJUBO is a user-friendly, cloud-based hotel management software and is extremely easy to learn. A new or old employee; either can get the hang of using the software quickly and efficiently.

  1. Inventory management and tracking

DJUBO’s cloud-based hotel management software interface provides an option for Offline OTAs to keep updated on the actual inventory status of their client hotels. The DJUBO HMS(Hotel Management Software) keeps an accurate track of your inventory irrespective of the number of accesses granted to clients. You can view the live status of your inventory; category and room no. wise. After all, you wouldn’t want to bungle up room allocation for your guests!


Cloud computing adoption is becoming an increasingly preferred choice for hoteliers today as they can see the benefits of the managing of operations by making the switch to a cloud-based hotel management software. And if you are yet to make the switch, you could be missing out on healthy profit margins for your hotel. Switch to DJUBO and get the most out of your hotel.

7 benefits of using cloud based hotel management software
Article Name
7 benefits of using cloud based hotel management software
Wouldn’t it be easier to have a cloud-based system or a PMP for Hotels? Across the globe, cloud-based Property Management Platforms are getting popular because they have multiple benefits for hotel owners to manage day-to-day activities efficiently.
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