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Managing & Maintenance of your Hotel’s OTA Listing

                                                                                        OTA Platforms

Managing & Maintenance of your Hotel’s OTA Listing and how it can help you reach a higher rank.

• Great Photography – Clean, High-Resolution photographs of your hotel (exterior & interiors), Bedrooms (different categories), Bathrooms, Gardens, Spa, Swimming Pool, etc matters the most when a Guest books your hotel!
• Room Types – Don’t confuse your guests with too many room types or bore them with just one. They should be segregated well, and the content should clearly mention the difference.
• Good Information and Content – Put it all down –> extra-bed charges, restaurant description, breakfast, lunch & dinner charges, location, airport pick up & drop charges, railway station pick up and drop, laundry information, etc
• No. of rooms available – Don’t be stingy with putting up rooms on an OTA. Moving up the ranks will be easier if the availability is better.
• Offer Free Internet – Free WiFi can be the sole deciding factor when a guest is booking online.
• Respond to reviews on time – TripAdvisor is not the only important website that manages your Online Reputation. Responding to reviews on OTAs is equally important, it also quickly directly affects your ranking!
• Keeping in touch with your Market Manager – The Market Manager at XYZ OTA can help you improve your ranking by strategizing with you and help you reach your goals.

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