1. Introducing AgentConnekt
We have released a feature – AgentConnekt, where a agent can make a booking for a guest through Booking Engine where rates shown on BE will be Agent’s Rate.
Know more about AgentConnekt
For this feature, you need to create a staff for agent.
Then, we need to create a mapping in Django admin, table named – agent staff mapping.
When you login with this user, assigned properties will show in drop down and when you click on create booking button, it will open BE page with Agent rates in new tab.
Voucher creates from AgentConnekt will be agent’s voucher.
2. Cerebrum New Features
a. Last Minute and Manage Channel
A new section named as “Manage Inventory” with three drop downs(Channel, Sub channel and Action) has been added in occupancy rules section under revenue rules.
Now user can also manage their inventories(block/unblock) on OTA, Meta and Booking engine with rate plan changes as well. User would be able to perform only three actions as Block all, Release All and No change.
Same will be tracked into the activity logs, notifications, alerts as well.
One more exception named as “Last Minute” has also been added. The user will be able to change the rate plan and block/unblock inventories for future dates from now. The user need to define days in days out field under Last Minute section.
For Suppose: If user wants to change the rate plan and block/unblock inventory for a particular date automatically lets say 30th July 2018 and Days out is defined as 5 so rate plan and inventory will be changed on 25th July automatically.
Also, same will be tracked into activity logs at CRS, Alerts, Notifications as well.
c. Multi Rule support in Cerebrum
Rule Details tab under the Revenue Rule has been enhanced and three more fields have been added named as Name, Abbreviation and color code.
A new tab named as Rules Calendar has also been added under Revenue Rule.
Now User can create multiple revenue rules under rule details tab by clicking on plus (+) sign and can map these revenue rule on the rule calendar tab accordingly.
Revenue Rule name and its abbreviation must be unique for each revenue rule.
If any revenue rule which is already defined under cerebrum with some exceptions,same would be mapped by default on revenue rule calendar from current date till to the end date of the current year excluding all exception date range.
For Suppose:
If multiple revenue rules are mapped on revenue rule calendar, rate plan would be changed as per the revenue rule which is mapped/applied for those dates. and same revenue rule abbreviation would be visible under alerts screen.
Also, a new filter named as revenue rule has been added to filter the alerts.
d. Days Out in Revenue Rule
If any revenue rule is mapped for any date, revenue manager would be active just before the defined days out days.
For Suppose: If any revenue rule named as RR1 is mapped on 16th and 17th July 2018 and having days out as 20 then it would be applicable from 26th june,2018 for 16th july and from 27th june,2018 for 17th july.
Three dots would be visible just next to revenue rule name by which user can edit, delete and deactivate any revenue rule
e. Any Revenue Rule is Being Marked as deleted,
below confirmation message would be visible.
Once user delete any revenue rule, the same would also be unmapped on revenue rule calendar by default.
f. Any Revenue Rule is Being Marked as Deactivate
same would be visible as deactivated on rule details tab.
Also if revenue rule is applied for any date range on rule calendar tab, icon says “applied rule is not active” would be visible to indicate that rule is not active for those dates.
Once any revenue is marked as deactivate, user can again activate the same.
Once any revenue rule is being mapped on rule calendar tab,user can remove/unmapped that revenue rule by selecting that date range.
g. Exceptions Representation on Revenue Rule Calendar
If any day of the week of the revenue rule is marked as an exception, an icon with message “this day of week is in exception of applied rule” would be visible on revenue rule calendar.
If rate plan is manually mapped for any date range either by rate planner tab under MTP or by rate calendar under revenue manager, an icon with message” Rate plan is manually overridden by V5 admin” on revenue rule calendar for those dates.
For more information
3. POS Invoice Upgrades
There are some new feature in POS which can help you in invoice and order management:-
a. Pay Later and Bill to Company in POS
Once user clicks on settle button, two more options named as “Pay Later” and “Bill to Company” would be visible to settle the order later.
Once User clicks on either Pay Later or Billing to Company,order state would get changed as “Pending for settlement” and user can settle the order later.
Also same would be tracked into the activity logs. If user tries to settle order either by pay later or bill to company option without guest/company details.
Note: Company details under guest details are mandatory in case of bill to company option.
b. Activity logs for deleted order item
If user either delete any order item or decrease the quantity to 0,same would be tracked into the activity logs now with deleted status.
c. Price Override Option
Now user would be able to give the outlet item price itself by price override irrespective to the define price under MTP.
If user creates any order and add any outlet item,an edit button(pencil icon) would be visible just next to item quantity with every added item.
Also price that is given by price override option at time of order creation would be visible in excel download as well.
d. Future date Order Creation
Now user can create the orders for future dates as well.
A calendar icon would be visible just below the add/edit guest option by which user can change the order delivery date.
e. Activity Logs
f.Order history->Order Sold Download
g. Split Bill Functionality
Now User can split a bill into multiple bills using a new option introduced Split Bill added within the three vertical dots.
This will be seen only once user will click on Proceed to Billing Option.
h. Generate a New Bill
The user needs to select all those order items for which he/she wants to generate a new bill.
A new order with the selected order items will be created.
i. Split Not Possible
Once any payment(including cash/card) has been added in orders, user would not be perform split bill for that order.
Below message will be visible:
j. Extra Print Settings Under MTP at Outlet Level
New custom settings named as Extra Print Settings has been introduced under MTP->Outlets->Edit Outlet->Settings tab.
In these three more checkboxes named as “Allow Multiple Print”, “Enable Price Override” and “Enable Direct Bill” will be visible.
By default “Allow Multiple Print”, “Enable Price Override” options will be marked as enabled and “Enable Direct Bill” will be marked as disabled.
k. Table Switch Functionality
Now user can switch order form one table into another table and also from any delivery mode to table order as well.
Same will be tracked into the activity logs.
l. Auto-Populate Guest Details
If user clicks on “Guest” icon, then a pop-up opens in which all fields will be disable except the “Add Guest” field. System will auto-populate the details of Guest and then after selecting the guest, Guest details will be shown and user can also edit it.
m. POS Item Search
Items of a category can be searched in other categories.
For ex. As “Dosa” is in “South-India” category but user can search it in other category and it will be listed.
n. KOT Print
KOT Print will show Outlet name, Order No., Table No. (if order is in retaurant)/Room number (if its order in room)., Steward/User, Token No.
For more information
4. Airbnb Official Integration
DJUBO and Airbnb have entered into an official 2 way API integration for sharing rate, inventory and booking information. This is among the world’s first few such partnerships.
5. CRS Feature: Room Upgrade
Room Upgrade
Now user can upgrade the booking to other category by drag-drop.
During drag-drop, the user will be given an alert message:
After proceeding on “Yes”, pop-up will appear and user can view/change the meal plan and amount.
Click on “Proceed to Upgrade”, and voucher will be in edit mode and can confirm booking from there.
The user can also upsell the category using “Upgrade Available” icon on bin card.
After click on “Upgrade Available”, pop-up will appear and those categories will be listed where the booking can be upsell.
6. Booking on CRS with Unallocated Status
Unallocated Status
If any booking fails due to contiguous rooms unavailable or insufficient Rooms, we will show that booking on CRS with Unallocated Status. When the user free inventory for that dates, that unallocated booking will create automatically.
7. CRS Feature: Complimentary Voucher
Voucher as Complimentary
There is new functionality for marking a voucher as complimentary.
Now you can provide a discount reason also why user provide the discount.
Now you can see with the discount added as 100%.
Now there are two more fields reduce in the booking DB name as discount reason and complementary status
Now you can download from reservation summery.
This is the downloaded review to see the complementary status as well as discount reason while giving the discount or while marking the voucher complimentory
8. Starsight Feature: In-App Reply
In-app reply feature in Starsight.
Now user can reply to reviews (for Google, Expedia, and Hotels.com) via starsight without logging in extranet.
9. Introducing Invoice Database
Invoices Database:
A new option named as Invoices has been introduced under Databases tab at CRS.
The user would be able to see all information related to the invoices (including invoice number, booking source, guest name etc) under this database.
10. Introducing Rate Restriction
Rate Restriction has been implemented in both Website and mobile app:
If any voucher is being created by user and rate restriction is applied for the selected combination(including date range,Meal plan,room category etc) under MTP->Rate Setup->Restriction rule, rates would be visible as 0 with respective to the selected room category at booking details screen and user would not be able to create the voucher.
Now If any voucher is being created with
booking engine source, only two sub-sources as Website and Djubo Direct would be visible under type field.
A new source name as “Meta” has also been added under source field at booking source screen by which user can create the meta source voucher by selecting any sub-sources under type field.