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Top 6 features of a Hospitality Management Software

Features of Hospitality Management Software
                                         Features of Hospitality Management Software


The core objective of implementing hospitality management software is to get the best out of your business by increasing productivity and efficiency. And to do so, it’s imperative that you as a hotelier are aware of the best options in the market with features that are suited to your business.

While most major hotel chains have shifted toward using a reliable, cloud-based hospitality management system, the small and mid-sized hotel properties are stuck with an outdated, manual process that only serves to decrease their efficiency. If you, as a hotelier, are still in debate as to whether you need to make the transition to an efficient hospitality management software; then let us help you decide by highlighting reasons to shift to a cloud-based hotel management system & features that you should look out for when selecting a hospitality management system.

  1. A superior booking engine

Primarily, what any hotel requires is to have an entirely automated hotel management process that’s nearly error-free – 0 human errors. With a huge surge in travelers, the demand for rooms in every category of the hotel has increased. In fact, small to mid-sized hotels can no longer ignore the need for a hospitality management system with an intuitive user interface to deliver great user experience and commission-free bookings. The DJUBO Booking System is at par with any OTA website – in fact even better. On their system, you can avail of the benefits of direct bookings from your guests; not just that but the inventory sold directly is also updated on OTA websites. Thus ensuring that OTAs don’t oversell or undersell the inventory. Our booking engine also doubles up as your hotel front desk software & ensures automated reservation, arrival and payment alerts! Get yourself a demo and see an instant increase in your hotel’s efficiency.

  1. Magical insights to grow your business

To grow your business what are effectively required are insights and analytics on your data and revenue. Your hunt for the top hospitality management software should have insights that account for every source of your revenue and database. There are software’s like DJUBO’s Property Management Platform that provides you with a much-needed analytics tool. With our analytics suite, you can pre-define rates as per your high and low seasons; both for different room categories and different booking sources. Going further, you can even ascertain the rates as per the varied meal plans and occupancy levels in your hotel. DJUBO also gives you the feasibility of mapping the rates with your calendar to give you easy visibility in accordance with the month and the season.

While you have your revenue growth and sources mapped out, our product also lets you map growth through occupancy too. View detailed analytics that shows you – booking sources, type of booking from each source and the revenue generated from each source. The software, to track your client data, creates a database for the hotelier – Guests, agents, booking, inquiry databases which can be exported to excel and be used for different marketing strategies and promotions. The DJUBO hospitality management software insights platform is a complete analytics tool not just for your data but also for your revenue.

  1. Managing your property on a single interface

When it comes to managing your hotel property, it becomes easier when you have the POS integrated with your PMS. While the PMS lets you effectively manage the distribution of inventory across various channels along with expertly handling your hotel’s 360-degree functioning, the POS lets you manage every micro sale made within your hotel premises. Ranging from your restaurant to spa – every detail is handled efficiently along with the end process of generating the POS invoice.

Our PMS doubles up as your expert front desk software and a 360-degree hospitality management software that has an easy to use interface and is more efficient than other software. Moreover, our products can be used across multiple devices.

  1. Reputation and review management

It’s no news that your online reputation directly affects your revenues. And what better way to control and moderate every single response guests provide for your hotel than to employ an effective online reputation management system. Our Starsight rating tool will give you insights and ratings for your hotel across all platforms. And moreover, it’s not just compiling reviews but it also highlights recent reviews and lets you take action on those reviews too! Moreover, you can have a bird’s eye view of your hotel’s commendable areas and issues that need to be worked on; all of this made simplified with the use of our hospitality management system.

  1. Advertising and search visibility

Oftentimes hotels don’t show up on the OTA platforms or different rates are displayed on different OTA platforms. However, by getting onto metasearch, the hotel can display its rates and their website booking page on the metasearch site. This puts hotels on the same playing field with the biggies, thus driving more direct bookings to the hotel. Moreover, hotels can bid for their placement on metasearch sites which means that it’s effectively in their hands to decide where they want to rank in the placement for their hotel. So bring in DJUBO Hospitality Management Software and get on board with our metasearch product to give your hotel visibility and more direct bookings.

  1. Competitive price intelligence tool

One of the most prominent features in a hospitality management software that’s now catching up among hotels is the price intelligence or rate shopper feature. It gives hoteliers a foresight into their market, competitors and their own pricing strategy. An effective rate shopper will help users keep track of the competitive pricing and will let the hotel capture it in the form of a user-friendly data table to monitor trends and streamline their pricing in accordance with the future trends. The DJUBO Foresight product from our hospitality management software suite, will give your hotel 10 to 30 percent growth in its revenues by helping the user spot emerging trends, understand what’s going on in the market and develop the know-how to make the right decisions at the right time.


The value of working with the right property management platform will bring immense growth to your business. It’s all about giving hoteliers a strong technology that will put you at the top of your game.

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