CRS New Feature Update: Complimentary Voucher

Voucher as Complimentary There is new functionality for marking a voucher as complimentary. Now you can provide a discount reason also why user provide discount. Now you can see with discount added as 100%. Now there are two more fields reduce in the booking DB name as discount reason and complementary status Now …

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Introducing Invoice Database

Invoices Database: A new option named as Invoices has been introduced under Databases tab at CRS. User would be able to see all information related to the invoices (including invoice number, booking source, guest name etc) under this database.

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Point of Sale (POS) Latest Upgrades

There are some new feature in POS which can help you in invoice and order management:- 1. Pay Later and Bill to Company in POS Once the user clicks on the settle button, two more options named as “Pay Later” and “Bill to Company” would be visible to settle the …

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Djubo Cerebrum Announces New Feature Releases – Djubo

Djubo Cerebrum Announces New Feature Releases are as Follows: 1.Last Minute and Manage Channel A new section named “Manage Inventory” with three dropdowns(Channel, Sub-channel and Action) has been added in the occupancy rules section under revenue rules. Now user can also manage their inventories(block/unblock) on OTA, Meta and Booking engine with …

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DJUBO Property Management System announces New Feature Release-Allocate Unallocated Room Bookings

DJUBO Property Management System announces New Feature Release- Allocate Unallocated Room Bookings We have released a new feature in property management system, where If any booking fails due to contiguous rooms unavailable or insufficient Rooms, we will show that booking on SMART CHART with Unallocated Status.When the user frees up inventory for …

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