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Tag Archives: Hotel Sales & Marketing

Google’s Mobile Algorithm is going to change your Hotel’s mobile marketing strategy!

Last year, Google released its Mobile Algorithm update that changed the way companies devised their mobile marketing strategies. And just when hotels thought they had their marketing sorted, Google is all rolling out the latest Mobile Algorithm Update 2.0 that will greatly impact your search placement and online visibility on …

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Hoteliers, Take Control of your Hotel Bookings!

Every year, Digital Marketing Agency Fuel releases its annual research and study on how leisure travelers are researching and booking their travels. This year, their study comprising a sample of 2900 men and women of all age groups has revealed some interesting data about how people are researching and making …

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Email Marketing For Your Hotel

Email Marketing is extremely important for – Direct Guests & Travel Agents. Read our short guide on how to use Email marketing for your hotel in order to drive bookings. B2C Emailers for Direct Guests These emailers must be engaging and loyalty related. If you’re doing a blog at your …

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Online Reputation Management for your Hotel

Why do you need Online Reputation Management for your hotel? Word of mouth matters and review websites are the best version of word of mouth in the online world. Preserving the reputation or image of your hotel has become extremely important. According to the latest TripBarometer study by TripAdvisor,  9 …

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Handling Facebook In-House

We think Travel Tips, Humour Stories about everyday life in the hotel and Top 10 lists about things to do around your hotel are absolutely great ways to getting more clicks! Once you’ve read through it, we suggest you concentrate on getting some attractive photography. You can also collect stock …

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